Kucing Gatal Speaks

Monday, January 09, 2006

Racist video

I'm not sure if this has been blogged about before, but I'm going to bring it up anyway.

Go to Google Video and type in "racist" (without the quotation marks) in the search box. Look at what comes out tops.

Nazri Aziz probably didn't expect to generate this kind of publicity for Malaysia with his stupid rantings.

Till next time, this is Kucing Gatal signing out with an anti-stupid-politicians Meow.


  • have you tried "Flawed Elections" yet?

    By Blogger Gulengz, at January 09, 2006 1:28 PM  

  • Brian : Maybe you've got the wrong picture because they do not ban alcohol consumption in general but they only restrict Muslims from consuming alcohol.

    On the rumours...they do not apply for all businesses. It only applies on government project related businesses. So even if it's rumours, be sure to check the credentials of the rumours before spreading them yourself.

    Of course, the Syariah laws are getting more silly each day but imagine if Buddhism has their own Buddhist courts and Hinduism have their own Hindu courts, don't you think they would've done what the Syariah courts do (implementing laws as they wish and like based on their own PERSONAL perception). So well, we're living in a Muslim country..I guess other races have got to adapt or they can choose to leave UNLESS the government finally decides to do what England did many many ages ago, which was abolishing all powers rested on the churches so they would not affect the governance of the country. That way, you don't get things like Civil Courts can't touch Syariah related cases and not be able to provide a single remedy for a poor widow.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 10, 2006 10:21 AM  

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