The tides of change
Then: Ali, Ah Kow, Muthu
Now: Adam, James, Steven
Then: Bata, Pallas, Bubble Gummers
Now: Vincci, Hush Puppies, Jimmy Choos
Then: Ais kacang, aiskrim potong, ice balls
Now: Cornetto, Haagen Daz, Baskin Robbins
Then: Warung ABC, Medan Selera, Gerai bawah pokok
Now: Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, Dome
Then: Kiki Lala, Kitikat, Anakku
Now: Baby Guess, Bebe's Home, Cape Cod
Then: Lee, Applemints, Ladylike
Now: Levis, Dockers, MNG
Then: Hopscotch, 5 stones, congkak
Now: Playstation, X-Box, Gameboy
Ah... such a simple life we led back then. Less choices, less materialism, less desire to keep up with the Joneses.
Malaysia, how you have changed ....
Till next time, this is Kucing Gatal signing out with a nostalgic Meow.
Now: Adam, James, Steven
Then: Bata, Pallas, Bubble Gummers
Now: Vincci, Hush Puppies, Jimmy Choos
Then: Ais kacang, aiskrim potong, ice balls
Now: Cornetto, Haagen Daz, Baskin Robbins
Then: Warung ABC, Medan Selera, Gerai bawah pokok
Now: Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, Dome
Then: Kiki Lala, Kitikat, Anakku
Now: Baby Guess, Bebe's Home, Cape Cod
Then: Lee, Applemints, Ladylike
Now: Levis, Dockers, MNG
Then: Hopscotch, 5 stones, congkak
Now: Playstation, X-Box, Gameboy
Ah... such a simple life we led back then. Less choices, less materialism, less desire to keep up with the Joneses.
Malaysia, how you have changed ....
Till next time, this is Kucing Gatal signing out with a nostalgic Meow.
So true.
Reminds me of the time my relatives and I were talking shop, and our late grandpa overheard us. His response was "Is it even legal to hold that much money?"
Sometimes I miss grandpa, but I know he's in a happy place.
Unknown, at September 01, 2005 8:15 PM
then: nasi lemak, teh tarik, roti canai
now: nasi lemak, teh tarik, roti canai
Only the price change :P
Anonymous, at September 02, 2005 10:36 AM
KG: "Then: Hopscotch, 5 stones, congkak
Now: Playstation, X-Box, Gameboy"
it's sad to know that those popular traditional games back then are slowly fading away from current generation's knowledge. they now prefer techy games, soon the traditional ones may extinct.
Wardina , at September 02, 2005 4:04 PM
We can all do our bit to save the traditional games from extinction. I vote we have Congkak Week, followed by 5-stone Week, followed by hopscotch, guli and so on. Let's promote those games we remember from our childhood!
Xaph, occasionally I lapse into these nostalgic phases and get all misty-eyed.
Kucing Gatal, at September 02, 2005 5:20 PM
fading away? i tot they dah totally extinct? when was the last u guys saw any kid played galah panjang or hopscotch? konda kondi jgn cerita la. hehe but i love the baling selipar game, oh syiok..
Anonymous, at September 02, 2005 8:19 PM
I remember the Then bits too.
Does this mean we're all officially OLD?!?!
* Runs to mirror to check face for lines *
plink, at September 02, 2005 10:52 PM
The simplest game I played in school involved a piece of paper and a pencil. Hold the top of the pencil, then let go by pushing it to slide down the paper, and the person who made the longest line would win. It was so simple yet so entertaining. We could play for hours.
Another game involved lining up ice cream sticks on a desk, taking a deep breath and then blowing as hard as possible to flip over as many sticks as we could. Winner would take all the sticks (and eventually make a house or some other architectural wonder out of them).
I wonder what kids play in school these days ....
Kucing Gatal, at September 03, 2005 3:27 PM
tarehtaik - that selipar game i used to play EVERY evening last time!! memang syiok giler... can play over and over again wan... DEM bloody nice game
xaph - i loved that game too!! i wasn't the best at it but dem syiok wan... everyday in school we used to play that. another game was "rubber" (eraser la!) which was particularly popular in my school. used to by "rubbers" in boxes and play play play... that wan more popular in Sek Rendah.
Unknown, at September 03, 2005 3:29 PM
What's this baling selipar game? I never heard of it before. Probably because my school was made up of civilised schoolkids :P We only baling guli. And also the baling bola game (local version of dodgeball)
Kucing Gatal, at September 03, 2005 7:11 PM
the baling selipar game is where u start of from a line and throw ur selipar. den i cant remember how it goes but the object of the game is to take ur selipar and hit ur opponents(unlimited oponents). if u miss next guys chance. this game if got BIG space or cul-de-sac dem nice to play. :) yea it was a guy's game in my area. actually i ony have seen my frens play this game. JALAN IPOH ROCKS!!!
Unknown, at September 05, 2005 3:31 PM
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